I'm Giacomo Pasin.
CSE Student and
STEM Enthusiast

my passions

computer vision, artificial intelligence, nuclear physics, optics, robotics, web technologies, basketball and culinary culture

my education

Current Computer Science and Engineering student and IB Graduate.

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my work experience

I'm currently the CTO at T.W.I.N srl

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Eigenvector Centrality Web Crawler

Languages: Python

A simple web crawler which creates an Eigenvector centrality graph starting from a web page. It saves the graphs to json and reads if already exists. It was started a school project and is not developed personally in free time to expand knowledge on web science algorithms

H-IS Careers Guidance Website

Languages: php
Frameworks: WordPress, Skeleton css

A single portal through which H-International School's career guidance department can update students on the latest events and blog posts, streamlining the process and facilitating communication.

NextGems Website

Languages: Squarespace CMS

A website built to announce and update Italian listed companies about the NextGems conference.

SLAM proof of concept

Languages: Python
Frameworks: OpenCV

Currently under work in progress. A proof of concept simultaneous location and mapping algorithm using SIFT implemented from scratch.

SPECT Scanner Simulation

Languages: Python

A simulation of a SPECT scanner created for a summer course I participated in. It is a representation of what SPECT scanner detects, and how that data can be manipulated using collimator grids or sources of different dimensions.

Simple Blockchain

Languages: Python

A basic blockchain implementation created using linked lists. The idea is derived from a lecture given during the IB CompSci HL course. It was created to apply my knowledge and to better percieve blockchain's potential.

T.W.I.N Company Website

Languages: php, Blade, JavaScript, css
Frameworks: WordPress, Laravel, React, Tailwind CSS

The redesigned website for T.W.I.N srl boasts a visually stunning and technically advanced platform. It features a dedicated section for publishing press releases, accompanied by engaging galleries of images, videos, and attached files, all meticulously designed to optimize SEO, improve page speed and provide a seamless user experience.

T.W.I.N Media Center

Languages: php, Blade, JavaScript, css
Frameworks: WordPress, Laravel, React, Tailwind CSS

A section of the website where the company publishes press releases and shares them with the target communities. Every press release is accopanied by a gallery of images, videos and a series of attached files improving the SEO of the issued news.

Research and Papers

Measuring the time constant of an electrolytic capacitor

November 2021
IB Physics Internal Assessment - Lab Report

Computer Science:
The evolution of web frameworks architectures and how they impacted modern day web development

May 2022
IB Extended Essay - Paper

Work Experience

8 Aug 2021currentTreviso, Italy


T.W.I.N srl

Upgrade existing technology infrastructures, organize digital permissions and update programs to adhere to GDPR and privacy standards, handle setup and maintenance of software platforms and integrate new technologies into the workflow of the company to enhance productivity of employees. Design, build and deploy the latest company website, as well as custom internal tooling.

4 Sept 20198 Aug 2021Treviso, Italy

Junior Technology and Web Designer

T.W.I.N srl

Organize new network infrastructures and secure file sharing options, setting up Google Workspace for the whole company, configure new domains and website addresses, create software platforms, website designs and design algorithms to simplify the workflows of other employees.

Education and Training

4 Sep 2023ONGOINGEindhoven, Netherlands

Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering

Eindhoven University of Technology

Website https://tue.nl

1 Sep 202021 May 2022Roncade, Italy

International Baccalaureate Diploma

International School of Talents - Multicampus
Final Score: 40 Subjects Taken:
  • Higher Level Mathematics Analysis and Approaches (6 out of 7)
  • Higher Level Physics (7 out of 7)
  • Higher Level Computer Science (7 out of 7)
  • Economics (6 out of 7)
  • Spanish B (7 out of 7)
  • English A Language and Literature (6 out of 7)
+1 extra core point

Website https://www.h-farm.com/it/education/h-farm-school

4 Sep 201830 Jun 2020Roncade, Italy

IB Middle Years Program (High School grades 9 and 10)

H-Farm International School - Treviso

Website https://www.h-farm.com/en/h-farm-school/treviso/middle-school

2 Jul 202315 Jul 2023Oxford, UK

Physics (Summer Camp)

Oxford Summer Courses

During the course we explored the applications of physics in medicine, including imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT scans, SPECT, MRIs and PET scans.
Furthermore, during the course, we had the opportunity to create computer simulations for the SPECT scanning techniques independently.
I implemented both a SPECT scanner simulation and also a collimator grid to filter our results not hitting the detector at a proper angle.
Personally, I implemented it using Python and the Google Colab environment for data analysis. This simulation can be found here.

Topics covered:
  • Waves
  • Particle Physics
  • Radioactivity
  • Electromagnetism
  • + an introduction to special relativity
Reference letter

Website https://oxfordsummercourses.com

4 Sep 20214 SEP 2022

Leader of the Future

The European House - Ambrosetti

Community Member

Website https://leaderdelfuturo.eu

21 Jul 20193 Aug 2019Oxford, UK

Introduction to Engineering (Summer Camp)

Oxford Royale Academy

Website https://www.oxford-royale.com/

22 May 201726 May 2017Salamanca, Spain

Curso de Lengua y Conversación

  • Langauge contents: 9/10
  • Vocabulary: 8/10
  • Listening comprehension: 9/10
  • Reading comprehension: 9/10
  • Spaking expression: 8/10
  • Written expression: 8/10
  • Pronounciation: 9/10
  • Sociocultural understanding: 9/10
Total: Level C1

Website https://enforex.es

Summer 2017Summer 2017

Special Effects (Adobe After Effects) Summer Camp

Sparx Camps

Website https://courses.h-farm.com/sparx-summer-camp/

Summer 2016Summer 2016

Digital Fabrication Summer Camp

H-Farm Digital Summer Camps

Website https://courses.h-farm.com/sparx-summer-camp/

Summer 2015Summer 2015

Electronics Summer Camp

Digital Native Summer Camp

Website https://courses.h-farm.com/sparx-summer-camp/

Summer 2015Summer 2015

Makers Summer Camp

Digital Nativa Summer Camp

Website https://courses.h-farm.com/sparx-summer-camp/

Language skills


Soft Skills

My soft skills include:

  • Problem Solving
  • Analytical Mindset
  • Aptitude to Research
  • Team Leadership
  • Public Speaking
  • Motivated
  • Independent

Digital Skills

Programming Languages and Technologies

TypeScript, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Jupyter Notebooks, Python, Git, Docker, Linux, HTML, Postman, GitHub Redis, MongoDB, WordPress, Blade, php, Squarespace CMS

Office Tools

Google, Workspace, Microsoft, Office, Windows, MacOS

Conferences and Seminars

4 SEP 20215 SEP 2021Villa D'Este Via Regina, 40 - 22012 Cernobbio (CO), Italy

The scenario of today and tomorrow for competitive strategies -

Leader of the Future (The European House - Ambrosetti)

During this event reserved for young managers and entrepreneurs, participants are able to listen to speeches and debate with global leaders and experts of various fields regarding how they envision the future of the world and of business.

1 APR 20221 APR 2022Villa D'Este Via Regina, 40 - 22012 Cernobbio (CO), Italy

The scenario of the economy and finance -

Leader of the Future (The European House - Ambrosetti)

Throughout the day, young managers and entrepreneurs have the opportunity to discuss the topics of the current state of finance, leadership, career growth and the economy with leading experts in the fields.

7 AUG 20229 AUG 2022Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva: a look at the future between leadership and innovation -

Leader of the Future (The European House - Ambrosetti)

During this two and a half days in Geneva, the community of the "Leaders of the Future" had the opportunity to visit and interact with global level organisations and discuss with their members how they envision the future of their field and in general the planet.

  • CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
  • United Nations
  • Campus Biotech
  • ST Microelectronics